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India News - Times of India: Instead of universal healthcare, the country needs universal health insurance

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    Here’s how govt can ensure very affordable health insurance, including for outpatient care, for hundreds of millions of Indians who are neither poor nor rich

    Countries that have managed ‘universal healthcare for free’ through taxation have three things in common. They are invariably small countries with a high tax-to-GDP ratio of more than 30% and spend more than 10% of GDP on healthcare.
    India is the world’s most populous country with a tax-to-GDP ratio of 11.70% and spends 3.16% of the GDP on healthcare. The government’s contribution is 1.28% and out-of-pocket health expenditure is 1.52% of GDP.We can’t expect the government to enhance budgetary allocation to healthcare significantly.


    Article information

    Author: Micheal Lawson

    Last Updated: 1703682004

    Views: 1214

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    Author information

    Name: Micheal Lawson

    Birthday: 1925-10-20

    Address: 2438 Ana Locks Apt. 200, New Amandaland, VA 09807

    Phone: +4677331143384469

    Job: Radio DJ

    Hobby: Crochet, Basketball, Painting, Embroidery, Role-Playing Games, Hiking, Metalworking

    Introduction: My name is Micheal Lawson, I am a dedicated, Precious, courageous, receptive, steadfast, sincere, spirited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.