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MINTs: Overview, What Has to Be Included, and Background

What Are the MINTs (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey)?

MINT (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey) is an acronym that refers to a group of countries with the potential to realize rapid economic growth. The respective countries were selected based on specific demographic, geographic, and economic factors.

Key Takeaways

  • MINT is an acronym for Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey.
  • Fidelity selected these countries in 2011 based on their potential for future growth based on certain geographic, demographic, and economic factors.
  • The MINTs were the successors to the BRICS countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—and chosen for the same reasons.
  • Despite their potential for rapid economic growth, MINTs may suffer from corruption, political instability, and economic crises.

Understanding MINTs (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey)

The acronym is similar to BRIC, which refers to the economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (South Africa was added later, making the term BRICS). MINT was coined by Fidelity Investments and popularized by Jim O'Neill, a British economist with Goldman Sachs who had created the term BRIC.

MINT refers to four countries: Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey. Fidelity selected these countries in 2011 as a group that they expected would show strong growth and provide high returns for investors over the coming decade. The grouping was based on various factors such as the countries’ large populations, favorable demographics, and their emerging economies.

When compared to the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), MINTs have noticeably smaller economies. BRICS is a group of emerging-market economies that enjoyed strong growth for a number of years (the group will add six countries to its ranks in 2024: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Argentina). In more recent years, investors have turned their attention to MINTs, which analysts touted to be the next countries with a rapidly growing economy.

Despite their prospects for ranking in the top 10 global economies by 2050, investing in MINTs doesn't guarantee profits. MINTs still suffer from corruption and political instability, after struggling with significant problems in the past. For example, Turkey faced an economic crisis around the year 2000, and the International Monetary Fund bailed the country out in 2001. Despite the upheaval, analysts consider the country a viable investment, particularly since Turkey implemented changes specifically designed to prevent the recurrence of the problems that originally led to the crisis.

Requirements for MINTs

Fidelity used a variety of qualifying factors when selecting countries ripe for economic investment. Some qualities are common to all the MINTs. For example, a young population, which makes for a strong workforce, typifies MINTs. MINTs' legal systems and regulations are business-friendly, and their governments promote pro-growth policies.

Fidelity chose countries that were geographically well-positioned for trade and not overly dependent on a single industry. Fidelity included Nigeria, for example, because of its natural resources, large population, well-regulated and well-capitalized banks, and opportunities to expand retail credit. Fidelity included Indonesia because the firm considered the country's large workforce to be a significant economic asset.

Fidelity also focused on countries that it believes may become major exporters of both raw and finished goods in the future although Nigeria, Mexico, and Indonesia are already major oil exporters. Investors hope that MINTs fulfill their promise and show strong growth in GDP and stock prices.

What Do MINT Countries Have In Common?

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Eccentric Nature

The MINT countries, as chosen by Fidelity, are all geographically located in a good position for trade, are not overly dependent on one industry for income, and are all seen as having the potential to become major exporters of raw and finished goods.

What's the Difference Between the BRICs and the MINTs?

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BRIC, now BRICS, refers to the economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, with South Africa later added on. These are a group of emerging-market economies that were seen as driving strong growth worldwide and offering potential big returns for investors. The group is expanding in 2024, with the addition of six more countries: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Argentina. The MINTs — Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey — are smaller economies and are seen as the successors to the BRICs.

What Are the CIVETS?

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The CIVETS are another group of emerging economies. The acronym was coined in 2009 at the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) in London and was a reference to Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa. The term was a play on BRICS.

The Bottom Line

The term MINT is an acronym referring to Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Turkey, countries seen as having the potential to realize fast economic growth. The term was coined by Fidelity in 2011 to highlight a group of countries expected to show strong growth and provide high returns for investors over the years.


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Author: Matthew Sanchez

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Name: Matthew Sanchez

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Introduction: My name is Matthew Sanchez, I am a courageous, Open, multicolored, spirited, Adventurous, sincere, vivid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.