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The MLS team travels two hours to play a forty-minute match that began this past month

St. Louis City traveled back to Dallas on Wednesday to resume an MLS match that was previously delayed. The matchup between the Major League Soccer newcomers and FC Dallas was initially scheduled for May 6th. However, the game had to be stopped in the 50th minute due to bad weather. Because of scheduling issues, the match did not resume until Wednesday.

The Western Conference leaders essentially flew 600 miles back to Texas to finish the remaining 40 minutes on the clock. Flight times between the two major area airports are around two hours each way.

Two injured players could not rejoin game

MLS rules state that resumed fixtures must include every player featured in the original matchup. However, there were a few issues with this stipulation. Paxton Pomykal and Sebastian Lletget are both now injured and unable to play for Dallas. Both of these players were on the pitch when the match was previously postponed.

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Nevertheless, Dallas was forced to make substitutions for the injured duo. Edwin Cerrillo and Alan Velasco entered the fray for the sidelined pair and the changes did not go against the team’s allotted substitutions for the game.

Two late goals win delayed MLS match for Dallas

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In an unusual twist, Wednesday’s resumed match actually began with a goal kick. The hosts would go on to win the game 2-0 thanks to two late strikes. Jesus Ferreira started the scoring for Dallas in the 80th minute. Jáder Obrian picked out Ferreira with a beautiful pass that cut through the opposing defense. The forward then slotted an angled shot passed the goalkeeper and into the bottom corner of the net.

Defender Marco Farfan doubled Dallas’ lead in the final minutes with a quality finish. Jesus Jimenez sent in a low cross through the St. Louis box to Farfan. The full-back cooly placed his shot passed the diving keeper to secure all three points.

Dallas may have waited a month, but it picked up a crucial win against the conference leaders. The Toros are now just two points behind St. Louis in the Western standings.

PHOTO: IMAGO / Icon Sportswire



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Name: Joshua Lee

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Introduction: My name is Joshua Lee, I am a dedicated, accessible, intrepid, irreplaceable, apt, Determined, enterprising person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.