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The Ten States in Nigeria With The Most Gorgeous Women

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    10 States In Nigeria With The Most Beautiful Girls

    Nigeria is arguably endowed with the most beautiful girls in Africa. However, some states have a higher concentration of them than others. Let's see which.


    1. IMO: Arguably, this state possesses the prettiest damsels in the country; well-endowed in all ramifications. Little wonder it has the highest number of pageant contestants and models.

    10 States In Nigeria With The Most Beautiful Girls
    Genevieve Nnaji

    2. LAGOS: The centre of excellence boasts of awesome and classy beautiful babes from different backgrounds. Women of Lagos origin have this distinct black beauty that stands them out.

    10 States In Nigeria With The Most Beautiful Girls
    Tiwa Savage

    3. CROSS RIVER: Not only beautiful but amazing, the concentration of naturally beautiful girls is an added complement to the serene and ambient nature of the state. The women are also known for their cooking skills.

    10 States In Nigeria With The Most Beautiful Girls
    Regina Askia

    4. ENUGU: The state will wow you with its array of beautiful women. You can never walk through Enugu without  turning to admire one of its girls.

    10 States In Nigeria With The Most Beautiful Girls

    5. DELTA: The concentration of Venuses in Asaba, Agbor and Oghara alone is enough to place Delta on the list.

    10 States In Nigeria With The Most Beautiful Girls
    Stella Damasus

    6. RIVERS: The black beauties of Kalabari and other tribes give Rivers a capable mention on this list. Many 'Agbani Daregos' are sure lurking around in the nook and crannies of the state and beyond.

    10 States In Nigeria With The Most Beautiful Girls
    Agbani Darego

    7. ANAMBRA: Stunners! Anambra girls are natural models. And they are reputed for being first class wife materials because of their reserved nature and conservative background.

    10 States In Nigeria With The Most Beautiful Girls
    Ebube Nwagbo

    8. OGUN: Ogun Girls are the most beautiful when it comes to core Yoruba women. They are an all in one package of beauty and brains.

    10 States In Nigeria With The Most Beautiful Girls
    Funke Akindele

    9. KATSINA: With the highest concentration of beautiful Fulani girls, Katsina possesses pretty girls beyond the veils. Light skinned and extremely attractive, they are always a beauty to behold.

    10 States In Nigeria With The Most Beautiful Girls
    Zahra Buhari

    10. EDO: Girls her are beautiful both theoretically and in practice. If you visit Benin and come back without feeling awed then you are blind.

    10 States In Nigeria With The Most Beautiful Girls
    Mercy Aigbe

    Share with us your counter arguments in the comments.

    READ ALSO: Which is the richest LGA in Nigeria? – 5 top

    Source: Legit.ng


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    Author: Brent Lin

    Last Updated: 1703209321

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    Name: Brent Lin

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    Introduction: My name is Brent Lin, I am a clever, multicolored, unswerving, expert, capable, intrepid, spirited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.